Sophos Puremessage

PureMessage now supports Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. (GWPME-466) Resolved an issue where PureMessage store scanning failed to find more than the first thousand mailboxes during the discovery phase. (GWPME-439) PureMessage now performs a Sophos Live Protection query during each scan. If you have other Sophos products, in addition to PureMessage for UNIX, you can create a Sophos ID and you’ll be able to access your other products via the product download area. Access to PureMessage for UNIX downloads, however, requires you to contact your local Sophos sales office.

Mysophos Account

'Why am I still getting spam?'

That is the million dollar question I've been getting from most of my executive colleagues and all I can do at this point is shrug. For the money spent, I expected better performance from a system that touts over 99% spam detection. But since our implementation of the service, I've FWD an avg of 15 spam emails per day to their collection address to report spam until I've had enough and just BAN the offending ISPs of the month, rinse/repeat.


Sophos Free Antivirus For Windows

Sophos Puremessage

Other Puremessage admins that I've been in contact have gone to a layered approach levering packages like SpamTitan, and It looks like I'll be needing to move that way too. I unfortunate that I have spend more money in licensing fees to compensate for where PM lacks.

Sophos Puremessage Latest Version

If the endpoint side wasn't so solid, I would of jumped ship long ago.

Sophos Puremessage

(p.s. During the time I've spend writing this review, I've had a warning that someone ran a background check, and I also received 4 complimentary dinners from outbacksteakhousespecialsgroup.)

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